Virko Kolulahti
has been active for more than 50 years in the heart of the Motherland.
Virko draws her strength and power from indigenous wisdom, people and stories, and above all from nature.
Virko also works as a tour guide in her Elias Lönnrot's home region, literally following in Elias's footsteps, and sharing the old poems of the Finnish people, as well as the Kalevala.
Virko's goal is to bring and share the customs, traditions and interconnected balance with nature that is rooted in the wisdom of indigenous peoples.
Virko has an imfectious energy combined with her positive nature and she mindfully engages all persons in her sharing, conversations and interactions.
Whens she begins any project, she does it wholeheartedly and with great enthusiasm.
Trust is very important to Virko.

Sharing Indigenous Wisdom,
Culture and Sounds
Virko served as the chairman of Four Winds tuki ry. for 7 years and has been involved in the association's activities for 14 years.
She has organized events and courses to support mental, physical and spiritual well-being and healing.
In 2017 Virko's grandfather Charles Lawrence brought the Four Winds Holy Prayer Pipe from Minnesota and asked Virko to be the pipe bearer and share the tradition with others.
This task is dear to Virko and she humbly, while listening to the pipe, explores the possibilities of deepening her prayers and getting to know the Spirit of the Holy Pipe.
Today Virko is doing her life's work at the New Fire Center in Sammati. The center offers courses, events, song, dance and joy filled moments to all those who hear nature's call and want to draw more strength from nature, silence, togetherness and community.
Twenty years ago, the beauty and sound of drums took hold of Virko's heart and soul. Virko has been helping to give birth to drums for more than fifteen years now.
She has held and continues to conduct drum building courses and drum circles throughout Finland.
"For me, the drum is the power of a great mystery, which takes me to the source of mother earth's womb power; the primal power of everything.
I wish that every fellow traveler had his own, self-made drum. A drum that, when played, brings strength, ancient wisdom, powerfully rythmic journeys and great joy".